SEND Provision
At Deansbrook Infant school we are able to provide a range of support to help meet a range of needs.
Universal Provision (available for all children)
- Resources to support attention and learning e.g. fidget tools, therabands, wobble cushions
- Use of visuals such as visual timetables, key word lanyards, now and next boards
- Writing slopes, pencil grips
- Movement breaks
- Word aware: developing vocabulary
Targeted Provision (available for a small number of targeted children)
- Language enrichment, talk boost, Lego therapy
- Speech and language support from trained TA
- Colourful semantics
- Handwriting and fine motor groups
- Precision teaching
Specialist Provision (for children with EHCPs)
- Attention Autism
- Intensive interactions
- Sensory circuits
- Workstations
- Core boards
- See and Learn intervention
- Access to calm spaces
Sensory Circuit - Alerting Activities
Sensory Circuit
Sensory Circuit
Work Station
Turn Taking Activities
Word aware display
Colourful Semantics
Creative area
Calm Space
Attention Autism
Pre-writing Skills
Maths Activities
Core Boards to support language and play skills.
Calm Space
Turn Taking Activity