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School Value for July - Appreciation

Nursery Admissions

Change to Nursery admissions

We are now able to offer places at our Nursery the term after a child’s third birthday.

During 2022- 2023 the following dates apply:


Children who are 3 between September 1st and December 31st 2022 will be offered a nursery place from January 2023. They will have five terms in the nursery before staring Reception in September 2024.     

Children who are 3 between January 1st and March 31st will be offered a nursery place from April 2023. They will have four terms in the nursery before starting Reception in September 2024.


Children who are 3 between April 1st and August 31st 2023 will be offered a nursery place from September 2023. They will start Reception in September 2024.


Nursery application forms are available from the school office at

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