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School Value for July - Appreciation

School Values




A Value is a principle that guides our behaviour and thinking.


At Deansbrook Infant School, every individual is valued for who they are and what they contribute to the school. Values are intended to support the personal, social and spiritual development of every pupil throughout the school.

The whole staff team and pupils are involved in promoting values and recognising where others are ‘living the values’. We also value our parents and carers contributions and encourage the values we share in school to be talked about and practised at home and within the community.

Each month the children learn about a new value through assemblies and it is integrated in the learning throughout the day. Values are displayed in a prominent position in the main school and Nursery with suggestions on how the children can show the value with supporting photographs and captions. Children are awarded certificates or stickers when achieving the value of the month. There are 11 values over the year which also link to the British Values.


British Values 
Rule of Law
Individual Liberty
Mutual Respect
Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs


School Values 2023-2024
















Understanding (Tolerance)










Sharing things with your friends, not just toys but ideas,

Treating your friends the way you want to be treated yourself,

Always telling your friend the truth

Value Ambassadors for Friendship 

GoldMahadMahad is always willing to help a child in need.
SilverZohraShe is a peacemaer between children when their friendships get tricky. She creates calm in a quiet way.
GreenRaheem A very good friend and helps children to be calm and happy. He is always positive and helpful.

She has befriended a child whose best friend left. She has helped them to feel happy and relaxed in the classroom.




Respect is about feeling good about yourself.

Respect is listening to others.

Respect is treating other people nicely.

Respect is knowing others are valuable too.

Value Ambassadors for Respect 



GoldLucaHe treats his friends and teachers with respect. He has lovely, polite manners.
SilverTerryHe is always considerate and respectful of other children.
GreenLeoHe is always respectful of classroom rules and resources.
PurpleAliHe is always respectful of adults and children.




Taking turns, playing together.

Cooperation is everyone helping to get something done.

Cooperation is working together toward a common goal.

Cooperation is working together with patience and


Value Ambassadors for Co-operation


GoldSofiaShe always co-operates and is very much a team player.
SilverTanviShe is always keen to help other children. She does not mind which group she works in. She is a real team player.
GreenMirunaA very good team player. She is always happy to help children in her class.
PurpleCasianaShe can always be relied upon to do the right thing. She always co-operates with her teacher and children in the class.


It is important to be generous with our actions,

our words, our time, with money and about generosity of spirit.

Value Ambassadors for Generosity

GoldStellaShe always gives her support and time freely to other children.
SilverImanShe is always keen to involve herself with other children. She generously gives them support with their learning.
GreenFelixHe was very helpful setting up the stage for the Reception Class when it was their time to come on. He was very happy to be involved in our Christmas concert.
PurpleAnatasiaAlways kind and thoughtful towards her friends. She is generous with her time.




          Never giving up but to keep trying to do your best.    

To set ourselves goals and work towards them.

Realising it is fine to make mistakes.

Value Ambassadors for Determination

GoldSaadHe is always determined to master tricky tasks.
SilverSam He is determined to do well in all the after school clubs he attends. He always does his best to finish his class work.
GreenDuaShe is always determined to do her best in the work. She is very keen to please her teacher.
PurpleTomHe is very keen to do his best. He never gives up and is making rapid progress in his learning.





Courage is the strength to stand up to difficulties and fears and making choices.

Daring to attempt difficult things that are good

Courage is doing something you are a little afraid to do.

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them

Value Ambassadors for Courage

GoldMariaShe shows courage because she always has a go even if she finds an activity challenging.
SilverEvieGetting back into school life and carrying on despite breaking her leg.
GreenScarlettFor showing resilience in class, always having a smile on her face and doing her best every day at school.
PurpleEmranShowing courage with day to day challenges in school.




Compassion is understanding the feelings of others.

Compassion is having a warm heart.

Compassion is the desire to help others.

Value Ambassadors for Compassion

GoldMahadHe is always compassionate and thoughtful to others.
SilverMadisonCompassionate and understanding of all the children in the class.
GreenSophiaShe is always kind to other children and goes out of her way to make others feel happy. She can always tell a good joke!
PurpleRoweydoKeen to give her strength and kindness to others.



Image result for tolerant

We need to understand other people’s feelings

We have to understand each other’s differences and value them – culture, beliefs and abilities

 Show empathy for others

Value Ambassadors for Understanding

GoldAdam H

Adam is always prepared to help other children understand what is going on

in class and shows tolerance if plans and routines change.

SilverRaisaRaisa shows good understanding and is always keen to help others.
GreenEmiliaVery understanding of the needs of other children. She has a very kind and caring manner.
PurpleEmanuelaShe sees good in all the children in her class and is always positive about her friends. She accepts everyone for what they are.


Honesty is telling what really happened,

Honesty is telling the truth,

Honesty is about saying things in a kind, thoughtful way,

Honesty is showing and sharing their feelings.

Value Ambassadors for Honesty

GoldAdam EHe is always honest with his teachers. He will let them know if there is a tricky situation in the classroom that needs resolving.



He can always be relied upon to tell the truth in tricky situations.
GreenHadya  She always owns up when she makes a mistake and never wants to get herself into double trouble.
PurpleDenisHe can always be relied upon to tell the truth and own up to his mistakes.


The ability to make and act upon appropriate and sensible decisions

To recognise the consequences of one’s actions

To take care of oneself and one’s property

Responsibility is doing my share of the work

 Value Ambassadors for Responsibility

GoldDominic BHe realises his responsibilites as a member of Gold Class. He always follows the rules.
SilverSudaisHe has really tried hard and succeeded in becoming a responsible member of Silver Class
GreenTejasviShe does lots of jobs in the classroom and is always keen to help her teacher. She will direct others in a responsible way.
PurpleLorenzoHe is keen to help the teacher and his friends and can be relied upon to do different jobs.


We tell someone how hard they have worked and we want the best for them

Thinking about others.

Taking time to say Thank You.

Thinking about manners and being polite to people.

Taking time to listen.

Value Ambassadors for Appreciation



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