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School Value for July - Appreciation

Performance Data

Performance data

Please find below the school's most recent performance data and links to the DfE’s performance tables.


Early Years Foundation Stage

At Deansbrook Infant School, we continually assess our children during the foundation stage to ensure that they are making progress and working towards the next steps in their development. Across the areas of Communication, Language and Literacy, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design, children are assessed and judged as having met, exceeded or emerging towards the expected levels.  Children who have met or exceeded the expectations are recorded as having a Good Level of Development (GLD)


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Year 1 Phonics Check

At the end of Year 1 we assess children’s ability to use their phonics skills. Children are asked to sound out 40 words comprising of a combination of real words and non-real words. They are expected to use the phonics rules they have been taught to decode and read the words. If they read 32 or more of the words correctly they have attained the expected standard.


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Key Stage 1 Attainment and Progress

At the end of Year 2 children are assessed in reading, writing, maths and science against expected standards of attainment.  They are assessed as attaining below the expected standard, working towards the expected standard, working at the expected standard or working in greater depth than the expected standard. Children also sit a SATS tests in English and Mathematics and these are used to inform teacher judgements.


 Deansbrook 2023National 2023


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