Our school council is led by Miss Gajperia, and they meet every month. There are two representatives from each class across Key Stage 1 and the members elect a chair and deputy chair at the first meeting of each academic year. The school council discuss various issues throughout the year and the members bring ideas and suggestions from their class to each meeting. They are always thinking of creative ways that we can further improve our school.
School Council members for 2023-2024 are .....
Gold Class | Silver Class |
Green Class | Purple Class |
Safer Parking Pledge
School Council wrote a Safer School Parking Pledge because they wanted the children to be safe when travelling to school.
The children thought of all the parking, driving and walking issues that had caused them concern and wanted changing.
They came up with the idea of promises and composed the letter which was approved by Barnet School Travel Advisor (see below).
After that they drew the pictures below to match each promise.
The School Councils Safer Parking Pledge reflects some of our school values which are:
Deansbrook drivers please sign and return your Pledge - thank you!
“Keep us safe!”
Deansbrook Infant School was chosen to launch the new initiative on Barnet’s CCTV School Keep Clear Enforcement Campaign due to all its outstanding work on promoting road safety and walking to school. On Wednesday the school council were invited to join Councillor Cohen outside the school in Hale Drive. The councillor had heard about the children’s Tiger Day and came to tell them that a CCTV camera is being installed to take photographs of anyone who parks on the yellow zig zag lines. The children had made a banner saying “Keep us safe! Click! Click!” and had their photograph taken with Councillor Cohen.
Well done!
School Council planned a day to be outside the school gates with their tiger masks and banners to stop parents/ carers parking, driving on the pavement and turning their cars around in front of the school gate.
Our local Community Police Support Officers came to assist the children and help stop the congestion outside our school.
The School Council learnt a chant to send a loud message to everyone!
“Grrrr….don’t park here!
Grrrr….don’t park here!
Grrrr….don’t park here!
Keep us safe!”
Our Community Police Support Officers spoke to many drivers and some that were turning their cars around in front of our school gates!
Look at some of the fantastic banners School Council produced…….